After searching out and comparing features and prices of several similar apps, I decided to give Bookpedia a shot. It seemed to offer a good combination of features and ease of use that were just right for my needs. Also, the developer appears to be committed to improving and enhancing the product in the future, which means a lot to me as well. After spending a week or two learning my way around the app and entering my data, I’ve grown increasingly impressed with what Bookpedia does - and how well it does it.
The look and feel are very iTunes-like, and very Mac-like. So I felt an instant familiarity working with it. The online book-search feature worked well enough, though at times I found myself editing a lot of what it auto-entered. So I decided on entering the data manually. Mostly for the sake of the accuracy that I personally wanted for each record. It was a bit more time-consuming, but if I’m gonna make the effort I want to get it right.
The beauty part about Bookpedia is that it enabled me to easily create those records to be as accurate as I wanted, and enter the exact info that I wanted for each record. The app is very flexible and very customizable, and for an added bonus - everything comes out looking really great.
I recommend this app for any avid reader, book fan, or collector that’s serious about their hobby. The added features of ‘wish lists’, ‘borrow lists’, customizable ‘smart lists’, and customizable data views adds even more to a very enjoyable experience. Plus, there are other templates, plug-ins, and additional tweak downloads available on the website. And their companion iPhone app is next on my list...
Well done Bruji!
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